CareLink360 Research Brief on Why Gen-X needs to know about Dementia

CareLink360 Research Brief on Why Gen-X needs to know about Dementia

Generation X faces enormous challenges caring for both aging parents and children.

Generation X, as the “sandwich generation,” navigates the complexities of supporting both older and younger generations simultaneously. The challenges they face are further exacerbated by the growing epidemic of dementia affecting their aging Baby Boomer parents. This research brief delves into what Generation X needs to know about dementia, exploring the intricacies of the disease and offering insights into hopeful and effective approaches to providing care. By understanding dementia and leveraging available resources, Generation X can better manage their caregiving responsibilities and continue to support their families with strength and empathy.

The link to the research brief can be found at

#Dementia #DementiaCare #Gen-X #SandwichGeneration #BabyBoomers